Learn more about colon polyps and whether this could be an early sign of colorectal cancer.
Have you or a loved one just been diagnosed with colon polyps? If so, it's only natural to have questions about it. Here in New Lenox, Oak Lawn, and Joliet, IL, there is no better person to turn to for answers than gastroenterologist, Dr. Kamran Ayub. He has extensive experience with colon polyps and other colorectal problems.
What are colon polyps?
A polyp is a growth that usually develops within the large intestines or rectum, and it is one of the most common colorectal problems today. Some polyps are benign and harmless, while other types may be precancerous or cancerous. This is why it’s important to have polyps detected and removed right away during a routine colonoscopy.
What are the risk factors for colon polyps?
While anyone can develop colon polyps, there are certain factors that can increase the chances of the condition. These factors include,
Being over 50 years old
Having a family history of polyps or colorectal cancer
Smoking or using tobacco products
Being a heavy drinker
Having a past history of polyps
Leading a sedentary lifestyle
Being overweight
What are the signs and symptoms of colon polyps?
The problem is that many people don’t realize that they have polyps in the first place. In fact, the first time our patients usually find out they have polyps is when a doctor performs a routine or diagnostic colonoscopy for other issues.
While symptoms aren’t common, those with colon polyps may experience,
Rectal bleeding or bleeding with bowel movements
Bowel changes (e.g. recurring diarrhea or constipation)
Mucus draining from the rectum
If you are experiencing any of these symptoms it’s important to visit one of our offices in New Lenox, Oak Lawn, or Joliet, IL, right away.
How is a colon polyp detected?
Your gastroenterologist may use any of these tests to look for the presence of polyps,
CT colonography
Barium enema (X-ray)
How are polyps treated?
To err on the side of caution, all colon polyps should be removed since there are no tests that can detect with 100 percent accuracy whether or not a polyp is benign or could turn cancerous. Fortunately, a polyp can easily be removed during a simple colonoscopy.
Concerned? Give us a call
If you are looking for a gastroenterologist in New Lenox, Oak Lawn, or Joliet, IL, to provide you with a colorectal cancer screening or other gastrointestinal care, then call our office today at (708) 475-5233 to schedule your next visit.